These last couple of posts have been all about Photo Challenges and I haven't been showing my everyday photos! So, that is what I am doing now.
These last few days almost a week either I or my hubby, Anthony, have been sick with strep throat. So, I haven't been on my game as far as blogging and pictures. But that should change right now!

This picture is of my good friends dog Isabeau... cool name huh? It comes from an awesome movie with a remarkable story line about a Hawk and a Wolf. They are so in love! Impossible? No... The hawk is a BEAUTIFUL woman by day and at night returns to being a hawk. The wolf is human during the day. You see, they were cursed so they can't be together as humans... so sad, but don't worry they break the curse at they end and love each other forever! I love this movie, and if you haven't guessed it already it's called Lady Hawk! They should remake it!
Awww, thank you, Brandee! We love our Isabeau (one S, and sometimes called "Izzy" for short), and you have captured her beautifully here. I also love the black and white one you sent us a few weeks ago. She's photogenic, isn't she? (he, he)